'Out of the Ballpark' follows a boy - appropriately named Alex - whose baseball team is playing in the playoffs. Alex, who is a second baseman, makes a key error in the game and begins to put extra pressure on himself. Only his play gets worse. Sound familiar?
The stuff of nightmares and homicidal fantasies, actually;
Alex's team, the Caribes, overcomes his play to reach the championship game. Alex works harder, waking up before sunrise to practice, throwing a ball against his bedroom wall 500 times a day. Without giving away the ending, let's just say that the Yankees should hope that life imitates art come October.
Projecting much, A-Hole? It's no wonder you wrote for an audience in that age bracket, since anyone older than say, ten--and aware of the author's real life existence--would be cracking up laughing at the idea of "Alex" saving the day.
It's no-fucking-wonder that Gay-Hole has got, what is it?, FIVE psychologists on the payroll.
and I'd bet at least one of them gets named in the "I'd like to thank" page inside the front flap, but identified as "friend."
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